TRAINING PILL: Keys to improve the aligment of parts and choose a fixturing system

This will be the last TRAINING PILL in webinar format within the special #stayathome campaign. This time we will explain what are the keys to improve the alignment of parts and choose a fixturing system.
This webinar is aimed at all those companies that use measuring machines for the quality control of their parts and want to optimize their inspection process.
Keys to improve the aligment of parts and choose a fixturing system
In the webinar we will explain:
- Basics concepts to perform a good part alignment
- Types of alignments
- MSA Analysis
- R&R study
- Types of fixturing systems. Manual, semi-automatic and automatic.
- Loading and unloading systems
9 june
from 10:00 to 11:00
Microsoft Teams
In order to attend the webinar you must register in advance. Send an email to indicating: name and surname, company, department and telephone.We will send you an access link to the webinar once we receive your registration.
Language of the webinar: Spanish