SERVITIZA 4.0 Eco-innovation Project

SERVITISATION IS A NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT, WHICH IS EMERGING IN BUSINESS implementation with great potential. SERVITIZA 4.0 has analysed the possibilities of two business models: the commercialisation of metrology equipment under the pay-per-use model; and the services associated with data originating in the continuous monitoring of metrology equipment and oriented towards maintaining a sustainable and optimised production process.
SARIKI, is a provider of metrology inspection solutions, including training and production line integration services, as well as measurement services.
- Analyse the development of a pay-as-you-go business model to increase the lifetime of metrology equipment.
- Build a roadmap to offer services based on metrology data and digitalisation as a fundamental part of the manufacturing processes to guarantee the quality of the production output.
- A starting point was created to develop a model of remote predictive maintenance of measuring equipment by means of a computer visualisation system of monitored data and a storage database.
- The business model based on pay-per-use of metering machines is technically feasible, but needs the market to evolve in order to be implemented.
- The business model based on the use of metrology data must overcome technical barriers such as the standardisation of implementation processes, but its economic viability is remarkable.
- Metrology data provides guarantees, robustness, accuracy, security and reliability which are essential for servitisation and digitisation of metrology.
- Communications cybersecurity and the plug-and-play model in the installation of metrology components offer the opportunity to exploit data in an expert way in any production process.

Project funded by EU ERDF funds