ONA electroerosión

ONA ELECTROEROSION, manufacturer of EDM machines by thread or penetration has relied on Sariki and Mitutoyo as supplier of high precision verification systems to improve the accuracy of their machines.

Tecnologies: Mitutoyo Crysta Apex S, Mitutoyo QV-X302
Sector: Machine Tool


Ona Electroerosion, is a pioneer in the development of EDM technologies, the most experienced manufacturer of EDM machines in the world and the first in the European Union.

EDM machines manufacture high precision and great complexity parts.

The complexity is mainly focused on the ability to accurately verify free forms. Ona wanted to take a technological leap that will allow to have more precise and automatic tools to validate the manufacture of parts with the specification of their machines.

ONA performed verification with two different technologies. On the one hand, a three-dimensional machine with point-to-point measurement capability and on the other, several microscopes.

Sariki has offered ONA specialized advice and after analyzing his needs and challenge, Ona has made an investment in two technologies of the latest generation.


It has been equipped with a new Mitutoyo Crysta Apex S 574 three-dimensional machine with SP25 probe, which is now capable to make dimensional measurements and scanning of free forms against CAD with an accuracy of (1.7 + 3L / 1000) μm.

In order to access areas where it is not possible to measure by contact, it uses its new Mitutoyo QV-X302 vision machine. The technology of measurement by processing images allows to work with a greater number of increases, with greater precision and with the possibility of having a fully automatic process.

Undoubtedly a technological bet that will allow ONA to offer its customers more precise and technologically advanced solutions, to guarantee the increasingly demanding standards of quality and precision.

