INTA trusts Sariki to face its space missions

Technology: Mitutoyo Quick Vision Apex Pro
Sector: Aerospace


The National Institute of Aerospace Technology has recently acquired a Quick Vision Apex 404 pro image processing measurement system from Mitutoyo to support its scientific research and technological development activities.

INTA  is a member of the European Space Agency (ESA) and actively collaborates in different research programs. They needed to incorporate high-precision metrology technology to be able to measure optomechanical surfaces with very high precision and opened a public competition to make this investment.

Sariki proposed the image processing technology. Quick Vision Apex 404 pro is Mitutoyo's superior range of this technology and enables contactless and high-precision measurements.

Thanks to this acquisition, INTA has been able to verify the main optomechanical components of the RLS project of ESA's ExoMars mission.

The main objective of the ExoMars mission is to address the question of whether life has ever existed on Mars.

RLS (Raman Laser Spectrometer) is one of three main instruments located in the analytical laboratory of Rover Rosalind Franklin, called ALD (Analytical Laboratory Drawer), and a powerful tool for the definitive identification and characterization of minerals and biomarkers.

The Quick Vision Apex 404 pro system allows focal plane alignment and mechanical surface metrology. This activity is carried out in an ISO-6 clean room equipped with specific optical and mechanical instrumentation and dedicated to this type of tasks.

In addition, the system allows high precision metrological inspection of small optical components, such as the laser used in the ExoMars mission, developed and validated by INTA for this space mission.
