Mitsubishi Materials España

Mitsubishi Materials España acquires a high accuracy unit Mitutoyo CS-H5000CNC for the quality control of the surface condition, contour and form of its components.

Tecnology: Mitutoyo CS-H5000CNC
Sector: Automotive


Mitsubishi Materials España has been equipped with state-of-the-art technology so as to be capable of verifying, either dimensionally or at the level of surface finish, its new series of cutting plates, which are manufactured in the plant of Valencia.

Mitsubishi, with this new series of exchangeable plates, intends to take a major step forward and manufacture a range of top quality products. For that, Mitsubishi has acquired a high accuracy CNC hybrid system of surface roughness-contour-forms Mitutoyo, model CS-H5000CNC.

This high accuracy unit contains only one detector and carries out from the unit itself simultaneous measurements of surface roughness and form/contoury. The X1 axis and Z1 axis are equipped with a Laser Holoscale ensuring an excellent range of accuracy and resolution. The α axis allows the continuous measurement over horizontal and inclined surfaces by means of the tilting of the X1 axis. The maximum speed of 200 mm/s of the unit permits potentially a high increase in the throughput of the multiple-profile/multiple-work piece measuring taks. In addition, the detector also incorporates an anti-collision safety device so as to stop the operation in case a collision is produced with a work piece or tooling.


About Mitsubishi Materials España

Located in Valencia, its activity consists of the manufacture of hard metal cutting tools. From the manufacture of integral milling cutters, drills and plates, in either standard or special types, up to the service of resetting and coating of these products.

Its area of action is mainly focused on all the industrial sections such as the automotive, aerospace, moulds and matrixes, etc, as well as the most emerging sectors suchas the medical, dental, wind, etc.

It is also provided with powerful commercial structure in either Spain or Portugal, with a high qualified team of technicians and engineers in order to offer a qualified service and be capable of giving solutions to responses demanded by the market.